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- Lazer Yöntemleri - Op. Dr. Murat Ün - Kadıköy / İstanbul
LASER What is Excimer Laser? Gözün lazer tedavisi son yıllarda en çok kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir. Özellikle, Eksimer Lazer 20 yıldan fazla bir süredir birçok göz kırılma kusurunun tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. What is Smile Laser? Smile laser (relex) method is one of the treatment types frequently used in vision surgery. Presbyopic Laser Presbyond laser treatment is a laser method used for individuals with near vision impairment. This laser method, also called presbylasic, can eliminate near vision disorders. What is Lasik? Lasik, günümüzde odaklanma kusurlarının tedavisinde en sık kullanılan yöntemlerden birisidir. Bu yöntem 18 yaşını dolduran ve son 1 yıl içerisinde gözlük numarasında herhangi bir değişiklik olmayan hastalar için uygundur.
- GÖZ İÇİ LENS | Op.Dr. Murat ÜN
INTRAOCULAR LENS What is an intraocular lens? One of the treatment methods frequently used today is intraocular lenses. In people with major refractive errors, the degrees of these diseases are sometimes very high. Akıllı Mercekler Intraocular lens therapy is a collective term for several different procedures, most notably refractive lens exchange (RLE) and cataract surgery. Trifocal Lenses Trifocal lenses, called smart lenses, have been used by experts during cataract surgeries for a long time. Trifocal, also called smart lens, has 3 focuses. Multifokal Lensler Multifocal lenses are intraocular lenses that allow patients to see both near and far. There are different and various rings in multifocal lenses. Toric Lenses Toric lenses are used in the treatment of astigmatism. Astigmatism is known as a refractive error that can be seen in both hymeropia and myopia. Toric Lenses Toric lenses are used in the treatment of astigmatism. Astigmatism is known as a refractive error that can be seen in both hymeropia and myopia.
- Gizlilik Politikası | Op.Dr. Murat ÜN
Gizlilik Politikası Güvenliğiniz bizim için önemli. Bu sebeple bizimle paylaşacağınız kişisel verileriz hassasiyetle korunmaktadır. Biz, Murat Ün, veri sorumlusu olarak, bu gizlilik ve kişisel verilerin korunması politikası ile, hangi kişisel verilerinizin hangi amaçla işleneceği, işlenen verilerin kimlerle ve neden paylaşılabileceği, veri işleme yöntemimiz ve hukuki sebeplerimiz ile; işlenen verilerinize ilişkin haklarınızın neler olduğu hususunda sizleri aydınlatmayı amaçlıyoruz. Toplanan Kişisel Verileriniz, Toplanma Yöntemi ve Hukuki Sebebi IP adresiniz ve kullanıcı aracısı bilgileriniz, sadece analiz yapmak amacıyla ve çerezler (cookies) vb. teknolojiler vasıtasıyla, otomatik veya otomatik olmayan yöntemlerle ve bazen de analitik sağlayıcılar, reklam ağları, arama bilgi sağlayıcıları, teknoloji sağlayıcıları gibi üçüncü taraflardan elde edilerek, kaydedilerek, depolanarak ve güncellenerek, aramızdaki hizmet ve sözleşme ilişkisi çerçevesinde ve süresince, meşru menfaat işleme şartına dayanılarak işlenecektir. Kişisel Verilerinizin İşlenme Amacı Bizimle paylaştığınız kişisel verileriniz sadece analiz yapmak suretiyle; sunduğumuz hizmetlerin gerekliliklerini en iyi şekilde yerine getirebilmek, bu hizmetlere sizin tarafınızdan ulaşılabilmesini ve maksimum düzeyde faydalanılabilmesini sağlamak, hizmetlerimizi, ihtiyaçlarınız doğrultusunda geliştirebilmek ve sizleri daha geniş kapsamlı hizmet sağlayıcıları ile yasal çerçeveler içerisinde buluşturabilmek ve kanundan doğan zorunlulukların (kişisel verilerin talep halinde adli ve idari makamlarla paylaşılması) yerine getirilebilmesi amacıyla, sözleşme ve hizmet süresince, amacına uygun ve ölçülü bir şekilde işlenecek ve güncellenecektir. Toplanan Kişisel Verilerin Kimlere ve Hangi Amaçlarla Aktarılabileceği Bizimle paylaştığınız kişisel verileriniz; faaliyetlerimizi yürütmek üzere hizmet aldığımız ve/veya verdiğimiz, sözleşmesel ilişki içerisinde bulunduğumuz, iş birliği yaptığımız, yurt içi ve yurt dışındaki 3. şahıslar ile kurum ve kuruluşlara ve talep halinde adli ve idari makamlara, gerekli teknik ve idari önlemler alınması koşulu ile aktarılabilecektir. Kişisel Verileri İşlenen Kişi Olarak Haklarınız KVKK madde 11 uyarınca herkes, veri sorumlusuna başvurarak aşağıdaki haklarını kullanabilir: a.Kişisel veri işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, b.Kişisel verileri işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme, c.Kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, d.Yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme, e.Kişisel verilerin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması hâlinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme, f.Kişisel verilerin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini isteme, g.(e) ve (f) bentleri uyarınca yapılan işlemlerin, kişisel verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme, h.İşlenen verilerin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle kişinin kendisi aleyhine bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme, i.Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğraması hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme, haklarına sahiptir. Yukarıda sayılan haklarınızı kullanmak üzere üzerinden bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. İletişim Sizlere hizmet sunabilmek amaçlı analizler yapabilmek için, sadece gerekli olan kişisel verilerinizin, işbu gizlilik ve kişisel verilerin işlenmesi politikası uyarınca işlenmesini, kabul edip etmemek hususunda tamamen özgürsünüz. Siteyi kullanmaya devam ettiğiniz takdirde kabul etmiş olduğunuz tarafımızca varsayılacak olup, daha ayrıntılı bilgi için bizimle e-mail adresi üzerinden iletişime geçmekten lütfen çekinmeyiniz.
- Video Galeri - Op. Dr. Murat Ün - Kadıköy / İstanbul
Video Gallery Kiss. Dr. Murat Ün & Prof. Dr. Tayfun Bavbek | We are at your service in our new clinic! My partner and dear brother Prof. Dr. We continue to provide services in our new clinic we opened with Tayfun Bavbek. With many years of experience and technological devices that comply with world standards, we first check our patients in detail and then start the treatment procedures. 🏥 Bağdat Caddesi, No:73 Cadde 73 Apartment, Floor 2 Flat:4 Kızıltoprak – İstanbul 📞 +90 (542) 469 37 34 astigmatism There is a transparent layer called cornea on the front surface of our eye. Irregularities on the corneal surface cause astigmatism. presbyond Accommodation Zone is a strictly personalized treatment that takes into account the functional age of the eye and its preoperative spherical aberrations. ReLEx Smile ReLEx SMILE laser is the newest, 3rd generation laser refraction surgery. What is Excimer Laser? Excimer Laser is a UV laser with a wavelength of 193 nm, obtained as a result of electrical stimulation of the argon-fluoride gas mixture. It has been used all over the world for nearly 30 years in the treatment of refractive errors such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. What is Smile Laser? SMILE laser is the newest, 3rd generation laser refraction surgery. While a large incision is required to apply laser in Lasik, this incision is reduced to 2 mm in SMILE. Smile? SMILE lazer cerrahisi, Carl Zeiss Meditec’in patentli teknolojisi olan VisuMax femtosecond lazer kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir ve FDA tarafından onaylıdır. Lasic? SMILE lazer cerrahisi, Carl Zeiss Meditec’in patentli teknolojisi olan VisuMax femtosecond lazer kullanılarak gerçekleştirilir ve FDA tarafından onaylıdır.
- Katarakt Tedavileri - Op. Dr. Murat Ün - Kadıköy / İstanbul
CATARACT What is Cataract? Cataract, in short, is the opacity of the eye lens, which is located behind the pupil and allows the person to see, losing its transparent structure. What is the Phaco Method? Phaco method is one of the most preferred methods in cataract treatment. This method is popularly known as laser cataract surgery. What is Femtosecond Cataract? Femtosecond laser technology has emerged as an invention that greatly increases the success rate of surgeries.
- Kornea Tedavileri - Op. Dr. Murat Ün - Kadıköy / İstanbul
CORNEA What is Cornea? Cornea is the name given to the dome-shaped transparent structure located in the outermost part of the eye. The cornea has two important functions for the eye. What is Keratoconus? Keratoconus is a condition that causes the cornea (the clear surface at the front of the eye) to gradually thin and swell into a cone shape. Corneal Cross-Linking Keratoconus, one of the most important corneal disorders, causes progressive thinning or deterioration of the cornea, including corneal swelling. Intacs In patients who cannot use contact lenses or who are not suitable for this lens, the use of an intracorneal ring is recommended unless keratoconus is advanced.
- Op. Dr. Murat Ün | Göz doktoru | Feneryolu, Bağdat Caddesi No:73 kat 2, Kadıköy/İstanbul, Türkiye
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW OUR SERVICES CATARACT These are blurry or dense areas in the eye lens. LASER Laser Surgery and LASIK treatment is a total of 8-10 minutes. INTRAOCULAR LENS They are multifocal intraocular lenses called trifocals. SMILE LASER The smile technique is one of the last major developments in laser surgery. İletişim Formu E-posta İsim-Soyisim Mesajınız Gönder Gönderdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz, en kısa sürede iletişime geçeceğiz. OPR. DR MURAT ÜN “I am Op. Dr. Murat Ün; I am a graduate of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine. After working at Dünya Eye Hospital and Private Batıgöz Health Group Altunizade - Istanbul branch for many years, I am currently serving in my own place as an Eye Health and Diseases Specialist. I started to serve my beloved patients in Istanbul, the apple of our country's eye, with an approach that respects patient rights, adheres to traditional values and is focused on satisfaction. Treatment areas in which I specialize: refractive surgery, cornea, presbyopia, smile laser, cataract, smart lens, contact lens, lid aesthetics and oculoplasty. “Care about your eye health too, do not delay your check-ups!” TREATMENTS AND AREAS OF INTEREST Kiss. Dr. Murat Ün & Prof. Dr. Tayfun Bavbek | We are at your service in our new clinic! My partner and dear brother Prof. Dr. We continue to provide services in our new clinic we opened with Tayfun Bavbek. With many years of experience and technological devices that comply with world standards, we first check our patients in detail and then start the treatment procedures. 🏥 Bağdat Caddesi, No:73 Cadde 73 Apartment, Floor 2 Flat:4 Kızıltoprak – İstanbul 📞 +90 (542) 469 37 34 All videos CONTRACTED INSTITUTIONS Opr. Dr. Murat Un +90 542 469 37 34
- Op. Dr. Murat Ün ile İletişime Geçin - Hemen Randevu Alın
Telephone: +905424693734 E-mail: Address : Feneryolu District, Bağdat Street, Cadde 73 Apartmanı, No:73, Floor:2, Flat:4, Kızıltoprak-Kadıköy/İstanbul İletişim İletişim Formu E-posta İsim-Soyisim Mesajınız Gönder Gönderdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz! Randevu Al Adı-Soyadı Telefon Bölüm Bölüm Seçiniz Bir tarih seçin Saat seçin Not Gönder Gönderdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz!
- Lasik | Op.Dr. Murat ÜN
WHAT IS LASIK? Lasik is one of the most commonly used methods in the treatment of focusing errors today. This method is suitable for patients who are over 18 years old and who have not changed their glasses prescription in the last year. In order for Lasik treatment to be applied, the refractive errors in the eye and the eye structure must be suitable for this method. For this reason, before LASIK treatment, all patients undergo a detailed eye examination and the corneal layer is examined in detail. With today's technology, up to 10 degrees of myopia, up to 6 degrees of hyperopia and astigmatism can be treated with the Lasik method. Lasik, kırma kusuru bulunan göz kusurlarının tedavi edilmesinde en sık başvurulan lazer tedavi yöntemidir. Bu yönteme kısaltmış olarak “lasik” denmektedir. Lasik başta ülkemiz olmak üzere tüm dünyada çok yaygın bir biçimde kullanılmaktadır. 10 yılı aşkın bir süredir bu uygulama ciddi anlamda kullanılmakta ve hastaların iyileşmesini sağlamaktadır. Günümüzde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde her sene yaklaşık olarak 600 bin kadar hastaya Lasik tedavisi uygulanmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise bu sayı resmi olmamakla birlikte 30 bin civarındadır. TO WHOM CAN LASIK NOT BE APPLIED? Lasik treatment cannot be applied to people with certain conditions. These are listed as follows: Those under 18 People with keratoconus Those who have a structural defect in the corneal structure Those whose corneal thickness is below a certain limit Those who suffer from severe dry eyes diabetic patients Those with rheumatic diseases pregnant women breastfeeding women Those with eye conditions such as cataracts, infections and glaucoma HOW IS LASIK TREATMENT DONE? Before Lasik treatment, specialist doctors perform an examination to determine whether the patient is suitable for this treatment. After this eye examination, tests are performed and the situation is evaluated. Afterwards, if the patient is suitable, he is informed about the surgery and an appointment is made. On the appointment day, the patient is checked again and taken to the laser room. First of all, the transparent layer in the eye is anesthetized with drops and the thin layer is removed with a laser called "intralase". Although the patient feels pressure on his eye during this procedure, he does not feel any pain. However, the patient is then told to look at the red light and thus the Lasik treatment begins. Since the eye-tracker system in the device can follow the eye even if the patient moves his eye, there will be no disruption in the treatment. After these procedures are completed, the patient is given protective goggles for one night. The patient can easily return to his daily life the next day. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE SURGERY? Lasik surgery procedure is painless. However, a slight pain may be felt after the surgery. The doctor may prescribe painkillers to reduce pain. However, the eyes may experience burning, stinging and watering for 2 hours after the laser. After Lasik, there may be redness in the white of the eye. This redness occurs to different degrees in everyone and disappears completely after about 15 days. Normal activities can usually be performed easily within a few days after surgery. Apart from this, full clarity in eye vision may take up to 6 weeks. Of course, this may take longer in some patients. Patients should use cortisone and antibiotic drops prescribed by the doctor after Lasik treatment. Apart from this, artificial tears can also be used for a short time. One of the issues that patients are most curious about is how long it will take for them to return to work after treatment. Experts generally recommend taking 1 week off for the healing process. This period should be used, especially if the working environment is dusty and unhygienic. However, if it is a hygienic office environment, it is possible to return to work immediately after the surgery.
- Akıllı Mercekler / Op.Dr. Murat Ün
SMART LENSES (TRIFOCAL AND MULTIFOCAL LENSES) Smart Lenses (Trifocal and Multifocal Lenses) Intraocular lens therapy is a collective term for several different procedures, most notably refractive lens exchange (RLE) and cataract surgery. During the lens replacement procedure, the eye's natural lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens to reduce refractive error and improve focus. In doing this, the patient significantly reduces the need for glasses or no longer needs them. Nowadays, smart lenses, which replace standard lenses, are used more and more every day. WHAT IS SMART LENS? Every patient who will have cataract surgery or laser lens surgery asks: "What kind of intraocular lens will I have in my eye?" asks the question. This is the first question asked when the natural lens of the eye is replaced, whether it is for treatment purposes due to cataracts or simply to reduce the dependence of someone with hyperopia, myopia or astigmatism on glasses. If the patient wants to remain without glasses completely, he/she should choose smart lenses in both eyes. If a person has cataracts and wants to see both near and far without glasses after cataract surgery, smart lenses are the first choice. During cataract surgery, the person's natural lens is removed and a smart lens is placed in the same place. Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens over time and for different reasons. Normally, a young person can see all distances such as far, medium and near in one eyepiece. The function of our lenses begins to decrease as we age. The main purpose of cataract surgery is to replace a natural but cloudy lens with a new artificial lens. Nowadays, single vision lenses have been replaced by multifocal intraocular lenses. Because these smart lenses correct vision disorders from all angles and make vision as natural as possible. Multifocal smart lenses come in two different forms: bifocal or trifocal. Bifocal lenses are called multifocal lenses, and three-focal lenses are called trifocal lenses. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF SMART LENSES? Smart lenses are the lenses most similar to our natural lenses. The advantages of choosing smart lenses are many. It offers the person comfort and quality of life. To summarize in general terms, the advantages of smart lenses are as follows: • There is no need to use glasses after smart lenses. • Patient after smart lens; He can easily read books, use a computer, and see distant text easily. • Provides uninterrupted and clear vision for near, medium and long distances. • Makes vehicle use easier. • Increases quality of life. SMART LENS TYPES One of the multifocal lens types is used during cataract surgery. These types are Multifocal and Trifocal (smart) lenses. TRIFOCAL LENSES Trifocal lenses, called smart lenses, have been used by experts during cataract surgeries for a long time. Intraocular lenses are divided into two groups: monofocal and multifocal. Trifocal, also called smart lens, has 3 focuses. After this surgery, patients can read books, use computers and watch television without glasses. 3-focus lenses, also known as smart lenses, have become one of the frequently used methods in our country for approximately 3-4 years. Before trifocal lenses, multifocal lenses were generally used. However, when there were problems with the intermediate distance in these lenses, they were switched to trifocal lenses. The most important advantage of these lenses is that they clearly show the intermediate distance, which is not possible with other lenses. This feature, which was not available in previous lenses, has improved the quality of life of many patients with trifocal lenses. TRIFOCAL LENS SURGERY Trifokal lensler, uzağı ve yakını iyi görmeyi sağlamasının yanı sıra orta mesafede de iyi bir görüş sağlamaktadır. Bu lensin uygulanabilmesi için hastalarda katarakt oluşmuş olması gerekli değildir. Bununla beraber hastaların lazer tedavisine uygun olmaması da bu yöntemin kullanılmasını sağlar. Trifokal lens tedavisinde her göz için 10-15 dakika kadar işlem yapılmaktadır. Bu süreçte hasta herhangi bir ağrı ya da acı hissetmez. Ameliyat sırasında kataraktlı olan mercek çıkarılır ve yerine trifokal adı verilen akıllı mercekler yerleştirilir. Hasta bu operasyon sonrasında normal hayatına devam edebilmektedir. Fakat yine de 20 gün kadar ağır aktivitelerin yapılmaması şarttır. Trifokal mercekler göze takıldıktan sonra gözde ömür boyu kalmaktadır. Yakın ve uzakta görme problemi yaşayan uygun olan tüm hastalarda bu mercekler başarılı bir biçimde uygulanabilmektedir. ADVANTAGES OF TRIFOCAL LENS With trifocal lenses, quality vision can be achieved at all distances. Using the latest trifocal lenses, the patient expresses great visual satisfaction the day after surgery in most cases. Generally speaking, multifocal vision can be achieved the very next day or a few days after surgery. In some isolated cases, adaptation may take several weeks to complete. In the first days after surgery, any visual task can be performed, albeit gradually. With trifocal lenses; • First of all, to have the same vision that the patient had in his youth, • Being able to see all distances without glasses and seeing properly at all light levels, • Getting rid of myopia and hyperopia, with or without astigmatism, • Books, newspapers, projects, food menus, etc. read without problems. • Use of mobile phones, tablets and computers without any visual restrictions. • Driving during the day and at night, going to the movies and reading subtitles without any problems. • It becomes easier to read teletext on television. MULTIFOCAL LENSES Some people use separate glasses to see both near and far. Some people can see both far and near with a single pair of glasses. Multifocal lenses are intraocular lenses that allow patients to see both near and far. There are different and various rings in multifocal lenses. With some of these rings, you can see near and with some, you can see far. In this way, the patient can have a clear vision. MULTIFOCAL LENS SURGERY In order for multifocal lenses to be used, precise measurements are made on the patient before cataract surgery. In this way, the number of the artificial lens is determined. The patient's myopia and hyperopia are also eliminated with this lens, which is then placed on the patient's eye. As it is known, standard intraocular lenses are single vision and focus only on distant vision. Multifocal lenses are bifocal and provide both near and far vision. Most patients can return to normal daily activities 2-3 days after surgery. However, the ability to focus in new lenses may not be fully functional for 6-8 weeks after surgery as the eye must relearn how to focus on objects at various distances. WHO IS MULTIFOCAL LENS SUITABLE FOR? • Patients who want to get rid of glasses. • Those with hyperopia or very high myopia. • It can be applied to patients who cannot use contact lenses. WHO IS NOT SUITABLE FOR MULTIFOCAL LENSES? • Those with retinal and glaucoma problems. • Having a very sharp vision expectation. • It should not be applied to patients with problems in the visual center. ADVANTAGES OF MULTIFOCAL LENS • Sharper vision ability at various distances, both near and far. • No need to use extra glasses. • The transition between degrees is less sharp. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT SMART LENSES Is there an age limit for smart lenses? Smart lenses are generally applied after the age of 45-50. However, there is no upper limit. It can be applied to anyone who has suitable eye structure and can afford the cost of the lens. Do smart lenses have side effects? After applying smart lenses to unsuitable eyes, glare, glare and decreased vision quality may occur. Will the need for near-glasses be completely eliminated after smart lens surgery? While 90 out of 100 patients wearing trifocal lenses can see far, near and middle distance without glasses, 10 percent can use low-grade near glasses. Macular degeneration/I am diabetic, can I have smart lens surgery? Trifocal lenses are not preferred in patients with macular degeneration and diabetes. However, the decision is made after a detailed examination. I have astigmatism, can I get trifocal (smart) lenses? There are toric models that correct astigmatism in smart lenses. If smart lenses are to be applied to patients with astigmatism, the astigmatism must be completely corrected. Can people with eye pressure wear smart lenses? Those with eye pressure need a detailed examination. Because the damage to the eye and the condition of the optic nerves due to glaucoma are very important. In the patient group who is not suitable for trifocal lenses, lenses produced with "edof" technology that allow comfortable seeing in long and middle distances may be suitable.
- Multifokal Lensler /Op.Dr. Murat Ün
Multifocal Lenses Some people use separate glasses to see both near and far. Some people can see both far and near with a single pair of glasses. Multifocal lenses are intraocular lenses that allow patients to see both near and far. There are different and various rings in multifocal lenses. With some of these rings, you can see near and with some, you can see far. In this way, the patient can have a clear vision. In order for multifocal lenses to be used, precise measurements must be made on the patient before cataract surgery. In this way, the number of the artificial lens will be determined. The patient's myopia and hyperopia are also eliminated with this lens, which is then placed in the patient's eye. As it is known, standard intraocular lenses are single vision and focus only on distant vision. Multifocal lenses are bifocal and provide both near and far vision. WHO CAN BE APPLIED TO? WHO CANNOT BE APPLIED? MULTIFOCAL LENSES Patients who want to get rid of glasses Those with hymerpetropia or very high myopia It can be applied to patients who cannot use contact lenses. MULTIFOCAL LENSES having to drive at night Having a very sharp vision expectation Someone who works a lot with computers It should not be applied to patients with problems in the visual center. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES? Sharper vision at a variety of distances, both near and far No need to use extra glasses The transition between degrees is less sharp
- Torik Lensler | OP.DR.MURAT ÜN
Toric Lenses Toric lenses are used in the treatment of astigmatism. Astigmatism is known as a refractive error that can be seen in both hymeropia and myopia. In eyes with asyggmatitis, both distance and near vision are impaired, resulting in a blurry image. In addition to this disorder, objects that normally have a round shape appear in an oval shape. At night, the lights reflect more and disturb the eyes. Intraocular lenses are generally used in hymeropic patients who have difficulty seeing both near and far. However, it can also be used in patients over 40 years of age. The natural lens that has lost its function in the intraocular lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. However, there are also lenses produced to correct astigmatic eyes. These are called toric lenses. Toric lenses are a type of intraocular lens and are frequently used today. With the development of new technologies, many lenses and lenses have become available. Nowadays, in addition to distance and near vision, astigmatism can also be treated during surgical interventions. Successful results are obtained with these intraocular lenses for astigmatism disorders up to 6-7 degrees. HOW IS THE SURGERY PERFORMED? First of all, the patient is given the necessary examination, measurements and tests. Then, the intraocular lens model that best suits the patient is chosen by the physician. Toric lens applications are performed almost the same as a normal cataract surgery. In this surgery, anesthesia is first administered with drops. Then, the natural lens in the eye whose function is impaired is removed and a toric (astigmatic) lens is placed in its place. After the surgery, the eye is covered with a bandage. This bandage is removed by the doctor during the check-up the day after the surgery. The patient can continue his daily life without any problems with his vision on the same day. The doctor then gives the patient the drops he has determined and asks the patient to use these drops regularly after the surgery. After the surgery, routine checks are performed weekly and monthly. After this surgery, the patient is no longer suffering from astigmatism. Toric lens treatment takes approximately 15 minutes. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES? Opportunity to treat refractive problems in almost every degree of eye Possibility of rapid improvement in vision Predictable results Chance of getting rid of high degree astigmatism No tissue loss or thinning in the cornea High optical quality It can be performed together with other eye surgeries if necessary. be reversible Opportunity to get rid of glasses and contact lenses Toric lens treatment is performed in the same way as standard cataract surgery. This method also provides improvement in the same process, just like cataract treatment. The method does not have any risk factors that increase the patient's risk of developing other eye diseases in the future. This method also does not prevent other surgical interventions. Toric lenses are lenses produced with high technology that patients with astigmatism can use safely. However, if the patient has astigmatism due to the cornea, astigmatism can be corrected with a toric lens during cataract surgery.